09 Oct

SPAAK position regarding AFKLM investments in SAS

SPAAK believes that SAS is a suitable partner for AFKLM that can strengthen AFKLM's existing network and market share. SPAAK advocates a policy in which the cooperation benefits SAS as well as the AFKLM group and KLM, while the position and size of KLM as a meaningful airline within AFKLM is maintained.

SPAAK is positive about the investments and supports the cooperation with SAS by AFKLM, provided that the following is considered:

  • SAS will have to achieve long-term results that are in line with the other airlines within AFKLM. Therefore, SPAAK supports the stepped investments that AFKLM is making.

  • In the event of any future governance changes because of investments in SAS the position of KLM as a meaningful airline, KLM’s own financial management or KLM’s (intended) investment agenda should not be negatively affected.

  • Investments in and growth of SAS should not be at the expense of the long-term prospects of KLM and AFKLM. The investments in SAS should lead to better prospects for KLM and AFKLM.

  • Cooperation with SAS related to ​​network, codeshare and revenue management should strengthen AFKLM. Growth should be balanced, whereby the (relative) position of KLM within the group remains at least at the current level regarding its European and intercontinental network and Joint Ventures.

  • The personnel policy within SAS is at a comparable level as within AFKLM. SPAAK supports a social dialogue within SAS and AFKLM, the consultation with the SAS Pilot Group (SPG) and the making of binding agreements that are synchronized in all collective labor agreements within the group.